Gum recession is a common dental problem that unfortunately, many patients suffer from. Some patients have no symptoms at all related to their gum recession, while others experience significant discomfort as a result. Whether or not one has symptoms, having gum recession can eventually cause tooth loss. Here are some ways that gum recession can be prevented:
The easiest way to prevent gum recession is to take care when you brush your teeth. Use a gentle touch; do not scrub your teeth aggressively or with heavy pressure. Use a soft or extra-soft bristled toothbrush. Tartar buildup is like a rock, and no matter how hard you scrub, it cannot be brushed off. It must be removed with dental instruments professionally as we use at Tempe Smile Design. Soft deposits can be brushed off with a soft brush and a light touch. Make sure the technique used is appropriate as well. Small circular motion with the brush at a 45-degree angle is recommended with a manual toothbrush. Ideally, the use of an electric toothbrush is best. But again, it must not be used with a heavy hand. Even more, damage can be done to the gums if an electric toothbrush is used inappropriately.
Straightening tipped and crowded teeth can help prevent gum recession. Teeth that are tipped or leaning are taking chewing forces, often excessive forces, at angles that are stressful to the teeth. Teeth are meant to be chewed on with the forces going down the long axis of the tooth (straight up and down). When they are tipped and chewed on in that way, it causes the gums to recede and weakens the tooth. Sometimes grooves can form at the gum line that gets deeper with brushing and the forces put on them.
Periodontal disease (a form of gum disease) can cause gum recession. The loss of gum tissue and bone around the teeth can cause the gums to pull away from the crown of the tooth. This can be prevented by having your teeth professionally cleaned at Tempe Smile Design and by having your teeth cleaned professionally on a regular basis. This will keep deposits from forming on your teeth that would cause your gums to pull away.
Smoking and smokeless tobacco use can also cause gum recession. The most obvious way to prevent this occurrence is not to use those products. They are both very harmful to your entire body, but can also wreak havoc in your mouth in a number of other ways.
Lip piercings can cause gum recession, especially when it is in direct contact with the gums, such as a lower lip piercing. The inside attachment rubs against the gum every time your lips move to chew and smile, slowly rubbing the tissue away. The Doctors at Tempe Smile Design recommend you avoid oral piercings of all kinds to prevent damage to the structures in the mouth.
If you are having problems with gum recession, please come see us at Tempe Smile Design for an examination and cleaning. We will assess the cause of your recession and look for ways to correct it and protect you from further damage.