Smile Gallery
Tempe Smile Design Before and After Photos
View the real smile transformations created by Dr. Stacy Tracy and Dr. Roxane Huber in our Tempe, AZ dental office.
Invisalign, Dental Implants, Crowns Before and After Photos

Invisalign and Composite Bonding - Before and After Photos
Invisalign - Before and After Photos
Invisalign - Before and After Photos
Invisalign - Before and After Photos
Invisalign - Before and After Photos
Fixed Hybrid Dentures - Before and After Photos
Fixed Hybrid Dentures, Upper and Lower - Before and After Photos
Fixed Hybrid Dentures, Upper - Before and After Photos
Fixed Hybrid Dentures, Upper - Before and After Photos
Invisalign and Six Anterior Porcelain Veneers - Before and After Photos
Anterior Porcelain Veneers and Crowns - Before and After Photos
Patient was born without upper lateral incisors. The doctor restored the teeth in those places to look like lateral incisors, and restored the premolars to look like canines.
Six Anterior Porcelain Crowns - Before and After Photos